Monday, September 25, 2017

Week5 - Experiment

The keyboard I assumed was mechanical was not at all mechanical - no circuit board. When I took it apart, it had layers of membranes.

The only circuit board I managed to find was this little guy, which I think I can recycle but don't know how to. 

So I sought of ways to connect the membrane to my computer and bought a connector for mini DIN and usb port, which seems useless still.

what can I do next? I think i actually need to buy a mechanical keyboard (up to 180,000 won). But before that, I still want to get to know circuit boards. So I bought a uno kit from Arduino.

questions? switch part / positive and negative / light sensor / infrared / ceiling / wondering around and typing / infrared proximity sensor 20 of them 2,000 won distance motion sensor / give credit to dave / visually it's just a box / make it interesting / cat pushes it around / making it work i don't care about it / what is the shape? / could be a light sensor / mirror / lasor / make a movie / cat goes past / complexity / problem solving / micro-chips

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week 4 – Signal Processing and Sound _ Adding components for control and interaction.

  cat typewriter02 from Da Young Moon on Vimeo
  Step THREE preface

  cat typewriter session #1 2017.9.21 (fri)

Week 3 _ Design for semi - distance

CATcept text 10 scenarios
  1. If my senses go through my cat, it means open sesame to freedom and mystery of the night. Also permission to be outside after curfew on the streets. 
  2. If my tongue does what cats' tongues do--grooming--would I groom myself using my tongue? 
  3. If the violin were made out of catgut, what if cats can play the instrument through senses? How?
  4. If my cat interacts with motion sensors and show visuals, what would it express? Why? 
  5. If cats still have hunting instincts left, which body motion can I mimic and why?
  6. As disconnected and lonely it gets in modern world,  cats seem like independent enough animals for pets. Does the demographical change--more people living alone--also effect the kind of pet people have? 
  7. When a cat lady dies alone in a house, all the cats she has taken care of will jump up and eat her up. Is this honorable? 
  8. Cats and witches are inseparable. If witches become cats, what more evil can be done? 
  9. If cats had microphones attached to them and recorded every sound they made, what images can the computer show?
  10. Documentation since 2016.09 ~ ongoing 2017.09

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Week2_Signal processing _ Catsound?

Step Two
DIGITAL-(1 week duration)
Experiment with concept, location and movement through a series of images.

no music or melody _ the sound landscape are below _ the more irregular the less lyrical 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Week1_concept and exploration

 GPS map of street feline journey 
through gps tracking collect routes and make it into a media project... no confidence as to how to catch the cat and make it wear the gps tracker.

  • led light 
  • cat-view bug cam
  • Nastume Soseki "I Am a Cat"1905

Step One
CONCEPT AND EXPLORATION-( 1 week duration )
Develop your concept with a view to its stylistic and visual qualities as well as how this work will be disseminated.

task#1 Imagine you have all the money in the world