Sunday, December 10, 2017

Final Letter from a Cat 2017

Cats are animals of quiet communication. Not even once have they meowed to me during this project. But instead, they left a note before and after eating the cat food I layed out for them.
These animals are not home-bread. The writers of these letters are wild street cats living on the terrace of an apartment in Korea.

Cat Type Letter Screen from Da Young Moon on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Week 15 texturizing 3dats

hairshader texture on the object
ERROR (not showing hair texture) but looks elegant / fahsion item-pish

hair shader texture ON

Low polygon cat face
Yet to render, but hightlight on the feline face is interesting. 

Profile perspective is incompletely scanned, puzzle like feature

cannot call it a cat - transform into faces and bits

1 more week,

a) make a 3d object out of this polygon structure (i.e. cat food bowl/ water bowl)
b) slice the object (i.e. wind-blocker)
c) pepakura house for stray cats