Friday, October 27, 2017

Presentation Catcept

- at the end of semester, I want to show motion-signal receptor and digital skin visualizer
- inside a confined environment like in a room, with a construction of motion detectors/sensors, I want to simulate the visual skin of an animal a.k.a. fur according to the motion input

 step 1) gather motion inputed visual data = skin 10~30 (~10/30)
-step 2) import into maya and generate furs 5~10 (~11/6)
step 3) Project-map into a room, 1 wall 1 ceiling (~11/13)
-  step 4) construct a motion detecting scanner (~11/20)
-   step 5) code the scanner with visualizer via quartz (~11/27)
-       ep 6) put everything (VISUAL + TECH) together (~12/4)
-       tep 7) exhibit, hopefully, at a gallery (~12/11)

- I evaluated that this idea of DIGITAL SKIN + MOTION DETECT seems quite complex to complete in 7 weeks

- to accelerate this process, borrow KINECT instead of constructing one

- Stochastic Image Processing

Stochastic, a random process involving random variable and/or involving chance and probability, image processing with LED

Browninan Motio
Brownian Motion
a Random cat motion illustrated with type and transformed into lines in illustrator

Brownian motion or pedesis (from Ancient Greekπήδησις /pέːdεːsis/ "leaping") is the random motion of particles suspended in a fluid (a liquid or a gas) resulting from their collision with the fast-moving atoms or molecules in the gas or liquid. (Feynman, R. (1964). "The Brownian Movement"The Feynman Lectures of Physics, Volume I. pp. 41-1.)

A random walk
a mathematical object, known as a stochastic or random process

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Mid Distance Animal Communication (theme credit to Prof. Dave)

2017.10.25 Wed 17:27 Puma and Panther

Animation and the text illustrate how communication between animals can be applied to communication between animals and humans. For this to happen, I need information / signal receiver / decoding / medium / response

An excerpt of "The Analysis of Animal Communication" by Steven Green Peter Marler 

Communication consists of the transmission of information from one animal to another. Information is encoded by one individual into a signal. When received by another animal, this information undergoes decoding, ... During such encoding and decoding, the carrier of the information and the format of the information undergo many transformations. ... A signal is then propagated in a medium. Further steps follow, ... and eventually to a recipient’s overt or covert response.

Reference from Springer website

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Week 8 trail and error

My secret desire is to live with 100 cats, ranging from mechanical cat, biological cat, sentient cat, smart cat, fat cat, dumb cat, cute cat, old cat, AI cat, sick cat, and baby cat

Visually, I need a CATcept image, surrounded by 100 cats and 1 human

-use halloween
-visit 유기묘 센터 in 마산
-film alternate cats (shadows that people make during the night are like cats)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 6 or 7 - Visualization

If subways were a living Ball of fur, (무도회) 

If commuters were feline creatures, CATmuters

Scary cats take over Halloween. 

This visualization reminds African masks, Japanese anime.
As my senses go through a cat, freedom and mystery of the night opens up. But also the risk of getting road-killed outside after on the streets rise up.